Friday, June 25, 2010

Mysterious ways...

So this is how things work.

I have a really good friend who had a house warming party at his new place. My Awesome Guy and I went and we had a good time. We met his friends and talked to the ones we knew and introduced ourselves to the ones we didn't know.

After the party, I went home and looked up the friends who I "clicked" with and made friend requests on Facebook. And they all said, "Yeah! I like this idea!" Which always makes me happy. I like that people want to get to know me as much as I want to get to know THEM.

So one of my new friends posted that he had a digital piano that he wanted to give away and I just *happened* to see that post and I responded first. So I get this awesome digital piano.

I have been wanting a piano now for the past six months or so but they are a little spendy and so I've thought that when the time was right, I'd buy one. I used to play piano and I took 10 years of classical piano so it's not like I don't know HOW to play....I've just never had the opportunity TO play on a piano that is in my own house.

And now, just because I know someone very cool and just because I went to his house warming party, I was able to meet his other cool friends. And then, one of them has a piano he is giving away. Giving away. I feel like I've won the lotto or something.

That plus I get a vacuum thrown in to the deal and I'm ultra happy about that! I HAVE a vacuum but, um, well....ok, I FORGOT where the bags are for it and so I haven't been able to vacuum the living room in about three weeks and it's driving me CRAZY!!!

So. Another vacuum cleaner WITH BAGS THAT I WILL KEEP TRACK OF, thankyouverymuch.

I always feel that what you do comes back to you. You do good things for others and good things will happen back. And I don't mean, "do this so I can get this." No, that's not how it works. It's do this because it's the right thing to do. Or because I want to help someone out. Or because I know it'll make someone's day better. Just because...there is no reward in it for me other than a smile and a startled look sometimes and a "thank you!" to which I go, "you're welcome. My pleasure." And it is.

As far as bad things happening to people...even though there are a few people I admittedly wouldn't mind a house falling on them (or even a very heavy piano), I keep the thought in my head that what comes around goes around, and that includes the bad. I've seen, given time, that the people who are mean and hurtful and all that DO get their just desserts. I don't have to do a thing.

Sides, as my bro, the Notorious B.I.L.L. has said, "Karma is a bitch. And she has friends."

Why yes...yes, she does.

But enough of that. It just tickles me pink to know that connecting with people can grant me the most amazing things. And even better, connecting with people gives me that kinship, that spark that lets me relate to them, no matter who they are.

It's amazing and it's cool and it's mindblowing, sometimes.

I can't see the big picture in my life...but when I take the time and look back, I can see how the people I've met are interweaved and how events, big and small, have given me so much. Even the hurtful stuff. I've learned from that and while I can wryly say that I'd much rather have NOT experienced's made me who I am today.

And who I am today has me pretty happy, for the most part.

In the meantime, I just enjoy the way people link to me and I link to them and how being kind and generous to others not only gives me the immediate happiness of helping others...but also, sometimes....I reap the benefits in totally unexpected ways.


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