Saturday, June 12, 2010

Stat sheet



This is where I'm supposed to talk about myself and tell you all about me and why I'm writing and blah blah blah.

Well, I can talk about myself a little.

And I can tell you about me a little.

And as to why I'm writing...well, that would take a few blog updates and everyone would be drooling and I don't want that to happen. Plus, no one wants to read all this stuff at one sitting.

It's like when I get all the background information for my character and it's in .pdf format and I'm looking at it and realizing that it's 300 *freaking pages long*. This is NOT Sparta!!! *wry smile*


And that's just for me. It doesn't even cover the world or the customs or the other people or even the others in my group.

No, all this paper tree killing orgy love is for me. I'm feeling it.

Instead, I think we'll do this a little at a time.

Sides, a smart girl knows that to be interesting and not come across as self centered, it's much more interesting to give bits and bobs out at a time....a little here, a little there. More burlesque and less bombastic, please.

I will say this.

I'm a major geek girl. I always have been ever since I can remember. And just like any other flavour of geek, I have my quirks. I like certain geek stuff. I don't like others. I read certain authors and can rave about them for hours. Other authors left me cold. Same with movies and tv shows and music and....and....

And I'm blunt. Outspoken. A pain in the tush if I want to be although I find out that a person can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. There are times, however, when one just has to fire up the DeLorean and go for broke.

And I have thoughts. And feelings. And opinions. Just like everyone else. And I'll write about it and I won't pull any punches. I won't fake it. (ok...I never do fake it but just wanted to make that clear).

You don't have to agree with me. You don't have to like what I say. That's OK.

Being a total asshat, on the other hand, is not.

The Sarlacc pit is too good for you.

But I have lots to share....lots of stuff to link to because there is just so much awesomeness that is geek out there.

Lots of awesome people to get to know because they're so interesting and they don't mind a geek girl like me saying, "you're cool. I want to get to know you so I know how you tick."

And I'm not going to just write geek. That's just a starting platform, please. (think xbox then xbox 360 sort of thing).


Fire up the Jumpgate....let's take this baby for a spin.


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