Monday, June 21, 2010

Disclaimer: I never said I was bluffing

So I'm thinking I need to write in this here blog on a regular basis.

(Consider it my version of eating bran....)

With that in mind, I run into the age old dilemna. Exactly how much do I write about? What should I reveal about my geek self?

I maintain another Journal that's devoted to writing stuff that is more private. At least, for now. After all, I need someplace to vent and someplace to rage and someplace to let things go.

After all, GOOD girls don't do that.

I feel that strange pull, sometimes....the pull that says, "be a good girl and don't make a fuss" and the pull that says, bluntly, "Fuck that noise. Be myself and pull no punches."

To which the wiser part of me says, ummm...yeah. That hasn't worked out so well in the past in certain situations. Diplomacy is a good thing. So is tact. And so is knowing when to keep one's mouth *shut*.

It really does become a balancing act. I know of people who proudly say, "I say whatever I want. I say whatever I think or feel and if you don't like it, TOO BAD." I just look at them and think, "well, that explains a lot."

I have found that you can say the same thing to someone by using different words. Or by waiting until the anger has passed. Or by thinking it through and then deciding that it really isn't worth banging your head against the wall and so let sleeping dogs lie.

But I think, here, I'll balance it out. I'm not going to lie about a damn thing. But I'm not going to blindside anyone with Information Overload.

I may be a geek girl, but at least I can read social cues. Well, most of the time.

So I'll try to Remember this when a topic comes up that I feel must simply be talked about. Very. Firmly.

Right. Call it the iron fist in a velvet glove approach. Or, as one of my favourite quotes go: Speak softly and carry a big stick.

Yes, my friends. A big ass whooping stick. I'm down with that.


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