Saturday, June 19, 2010

The moon, the moon, the moon is on FIRE!!!


If you're a guy and you don't like reading about woman *stuff*, I suggest you skip this post.

If you're a girl and you're not really comfortable talking about woman *stuff*, you might also want to exit stage left.

Ok. Everyone here who wants to be here?


I must thank my very very good friend and honourary sister for buying me a very special gift.

It has changed the way I feel about my moon cycle.

I know. *gasp* Strange, but true!

Here's the thing, my precious ones...part of the reason I abhor my moon cycle is the mess. I mean, I know I'm supposed to rejoice in my womanly goodness but I can find other ways that don't make me feel like a bloated cow. A bloated cow that is bleeding out of private places. Profusely.

Seriously, the first day or two of my moon cycle, I might as well be cast in a horror film.

And the toilet paper company LOVES me cuz I seem to go through about three rolls a DAY because of my insistence on being *clean*. Or at least, as clean as I can be.

And then, I use pads and so I have to roll THOSE up in toilet paper too because it's so gross to not do so. I mean, really.


But my sis gifted me with a Diva cup. What, you may ask, is a Diva cup?

It's a little container that you insert to sit snug right there whereabouts a tampon goes (a bit lower though) and it catches your moon cycle. No mess. No worries about overflow or staining the sheets and/or your panties.

OH, no. It just goes right into this cup. And then, you gently take it out, dispose of your moon cycle, rinse the cup out, and insert again.

Ta da!!! It's better than rabbits and top hats, I swear.

And very little mess!!!

And it's so neat. I can barely feel that it's there and it saves TONS on paper products from the pads and such and I am so happy.

Now, the moon cycle is still not my favourite thing. I still get cramps and my breasts get tender and I bloat and I ask for lots of back rubs. My poor Awesome guy.

But's a little less unbearable cuz of my Diva cup.

Do you want a Diva cup? You can order them online and they come in different sizes (cuz we all are different sizes) and it's so neat.

Here's the info to their website:

That plus I also received cloth panty liners and those rock. They snap around my panties and they are SO comfy. And I just wash them.

I'm really happy that I can be green with my own body stuff, too.

Ok. Done with this woman post...but wanted to spread the word. Diva cup. If you use a tampon, you can definitely use one of these. And if you aren't comfortable with a tampon (like I am), this isn't like a tampon to me at all. WAAAAY more comfortable.

Ok, can come back. Next post will be lots more fun. Promise.



  1. My ex used to use a product that came in a white and lavender box, that sounded like the same thing, but was made of laytex or plastic or something, and she could discard 'em. It looked like a cross between a diaphram and a condom, but you didn't (couldn't) unroll it. I can't for the life of me remember the name of it, and I don't particularly feel like cruising the aisle to remind myself, but I thought i'd mention it, if folks are looking for a disposable version. My ex's only comment was that it's easier to use for women who've had kids, b/c they -know- where their cervix is...

    Darlin', what about cleanliness? I mean, does this thing go through the dishwasher after every cycle, or how do you wash it? Do you wash it with soap and water every time you 'empty' it?

    Just curious...


  2. You can clean it with water and reinsert.

    After your moon cycle is done, you clean it with natural soap and water and boil it for five minutes as well.

    I find that rinsing it out well with water and reinserting with CLEAN hands works just fine.

