Monday, June 14, 2010

This really happened. Really!

I don't know if you've seen the video that has gone viral titled "This is what happens when BP execs spill coffee..."

If not, here's the video for you to giggle over. It was pitch perfect.

Did you watch the video??? Well, go watch it, for Heaven's sake so that you will get the rest of this post.

OK. So at Gaming the other night, my Awesome Guy and I showed his Gaming cohorts the video. There was a lot of snickering. And they all really liked it.

So they settled back to Game and I went back to perusing the internet (because I was there just to hang out and be around cool geek boys. I'm not dumb, you know)...

And my Awesome Guy accidentally tipped over his bottle of Coca Cola. And not that shitty crap they sell here in the USA. The one made with corn syrup that by all rights should have made us mutants by now. Anyway...THIS Coca Cola is made with REAL cane sugar.

Irony of ironies, we buy it in the Mexican food aisle. It's *imported*. From Mexico. To here. Canada also has Coca Cola made with cane sugar and I've had that and it's the motherfucking BOMB. I almost cried when the 12 pack was gone.

But I'm getting off topic here.

So the Coca Cola was spilled on the (thankfully) hardwood floor. All Gaming stops. We all look at each other and then, one of us says with a devilish twinkle in his eye, "Stop. Don't panic! It's a very small spill on a rather large surface."


We all laughed and then another friend asked for some paper towel and I ripped off one small square and handed it to another friend who started sketching on it...and then we all snickered some more and cleaned up the very small spill.

It was so cool.

And I'm kicking myself for not recording it on my phone.

Sometimes, for a Geek girl, I can be kinda slow.

But yes. So thank you, BP for your stupidity and hubris. Because of you, our Game night was made so much funnier.

Ok, not really.

Now, who has some Canadian Coca Cola they can send me???


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