Monday, July 5, 2010

You aren't ready for this jelly....

Ah, Beyonce.

Ok. So it's been a few days since I last posted and I apologize.

There is a really good reason, though.

It's called being so sick, I thought I was going to die.

(I was going to capitalize all of that but that sounded even too dramatic to ME).

See, I was going to go to CONvergence with my Awesome Guy and my sons and we were going to hang out and have a great time and since this would have been my boys' first CON EVER, I wanted to be there.

Well, I kind of was.

I was sick Wednesday morning. By Wednesday night, my temperature had gone up even higher. I had friends come over and stay overnight and I was taking ibuprofen and sitting around, all miserable, but wanting to talk to them and finally I went back to bed.

Thursday morning came and I felt a little bit better....but I still had a fever so my Awesome Guy took my sons to CON to register and hang out for a bit and then one of my bestest friends took them under her wing and my other friends helped and they ended up staying there late that night.

I was very happy for them but very sad. And my fever was still climbing.

Friday morning, I was at 102. And the aches were killing me. I thought it was the flu but the medicine I was taking wasn't even touching the fever and when I took a shower, my skin was so hot, the water evaporated from it. I didn't need to towel down my legs....they were all ready dry.

I think I can safely say that I don't want to experience THAT ever again.

So my Awesome Guy took me to a clinic where I thought Urgent Care opened up at 9 am but I thought it was Saturday and it was really Friday and it didn't open until 11 am and I wanted to cry but the nice lady found me an appointment at my other clinic with a doctor I know and so we went to the other clinic where my temperature peaked at 102.9. And I was light headed. And achy.

My nurse was very concerned. She swabbed me for a strep test. If you've never had one of those before, it's usually uncomfortable. They take long wooden q tips (basically) and stick them down your throat to the choke part (where you feel like you're getting choked by these fuzzy sticks of death) and then they swab your throat.

This is how sick I was: it felt good. She pulled the sticks up and it was like...ewwwww....she said, "I think you have strep." I was like, "yeah...that would explain it."

So the test was positive for strep and I got medicine that I could take because I'm allergic to most everything under the sun, including penicillin and by late afternoon on Friday, I started to feel better.

My Awesome Guy was excited. He wanted to know if I wanted to go that night but I was still contagious and I told him, "no way....but possibly tomorrow." And he was all excited about that, too.

By the next day, I was feeling pretty perky (whereas before, I was feeling not so perky) and was able to go to CON with him and my sons and had a fab time and everything.

And now, today, I feel much better. I have to study for my last ASL test because I was too sick on Thursday to go to school and take it but that's OK because my teacher is very awesome and I can take it this Wednesday morning. I'm all excited.

But please. I do not want to get this sick again for a very very long time. Because it really wasn't my idea of fun at all.


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