Thursday, March 28, 2013

Well, it was great while it lasted...

Have ya'll seen this yet?

Go on, click the link, I'll wait here while you take a gander...

Queer on Queer Hate Bingo

We all good? Dandy.

So the other day, I was inundated on Facebook and on Twitter by the HRC's famous symbol redone in red and pink for marriage equality. And, being the queer person I am, immediately added it as my own avatar on both my Facebook and Twitter feed.

I was happy cos it was my own show of support for Marriage Equality and fuck, yeah! Until I started reading things on my Twitter feed.

I love my twitter feed. I have the best people who post and share things there and I'm going to share a few things and then I'm gonna talk about them.

Here's the first link that's uber important. It's a long post so take your time, read, and process:

Why the transgender community hates HRC

Then, on my Tumblr, I read this:

Marriage Equality is not a transgender issue

And this:

Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project

After I read the first long post, I changed my avatars back to something else and reflected on how divisive our Queer community really is. We talk about 'Unity' and 'Family' but which family and what unity?

As a person of colour, as gender neutral identified, as a pansexual, the intersectionalities I am amongst resemble more of a spider web of interconnecting lines. I can talk about several issues that concern me when it comes to the Queer community because in one way or another, I've been forced to deal with my own community's rejection of me on some level or another.

In one circumstance, I'm not white but I am (gasp) ***EXOTIC*** and bring that "Oriental" experience to the table. Yes, I've been called Oriental. And yes, I've called the person on it with a 'that's not even ON' comment.

In another instance, asking to be called by my own pronoun preference of 'zie' or 'zer' has been met with puzzlement and sometimes, hostility cos it 'makes people uncomfortable.' Really? REALLY?? Yeah, people went there.

I had originally identified myself as bisexual but after contemplating my sexual desire, I feel pansexual better describes me but I heard plenty of bi-shaming during that time. I'd been called a 'lesbian' (no, and you knew I identified myself as bisexual), I'd been witness to 'jokes' about the 'sluttiness' of bisexuals and how 'confused' we are. It was pretty awful.

As far as one of my besties being Asexual, well, that doesn't really COUNT as Queer and Demisexual? Pfft. Whatever.


Take a good long look at the Queer Hate on Hate Bingo card again. Do you recognize yourself there? Did any of those sentiments pass your lips?

I'm so disgusted with HRC right now, as they say in street parlance, I can't even. An organization that champions equality and pulls this shit? That's called picking and choosing, mon chats, and the dictionary didn't have that under the definition of equality.

Marriage Equality is important. It really really is. But so is transpeople's rights and safety. In case you haven't been paying attention, Arizona's been particularly brutish towards our fellow Queer people.

Undocumented Queer people are equally as important. Their voices must be welcome at our table.

The ugly truth is that there is still plenty of divisiveness amongst the Queer community. There is plenty of Ageism and Body Imagism and all sorts of judgments being made of a person's gender and sexual orientation.

Ironic, isn't it? If the homophobes were smart, they'd have us turn against one another and rip each other to pieces, trying to get a piece of the 'My Voice Must be Heard' pie.

Oh, wait. They don't have to do that at all.

We do just fine by ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking time to compile these links and put this all together. I tweeted this, as I think it deserves to be widely read.
