Friday, March 15, 2013

Two tales of Woe and One of Joy

I have a twitter account and on my feed, I have subscribed to some amazing people. I'm not much with 'famous' people. I think I only follow one or two.

I'm much more into fellow queers. feminists, activists, and advocates. I get all the good stuff from them...and the bad stuff, too.

Here's a couple of shitacular things from my feed and one that absolutely broke me...but in a wonderful, amazing way.


Have you heard of the National Organization for Marriage? Also known as NOM, they are the anti-queer group that has been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a non profit civil rights organization that tracks such groups throughout the United States and the world.

NOM's latest attacks on same sex marriage have reached a new nauseating low. John Eastman, the chair of NOM was quoted as saying that 'adoption in a heterosexual couple, is by far the second-best option.'

Oh, really?

So, let me get this right. Point the first, adopted families are inferior to those families whose mothers were able to conceive and bear children. Point the second, hetero sexual families are OK to adopt but not same sex families. Point the third, adopted *children* are inferior to biologically born children.

Right. Here's my Point, motherfucker: You and your whole organization and words like these are hurtful, venial, & as about unfamily as one could be.

Also, from my own adopted queer potty mouth: Fuck off, you bunch of bloody wankers.

I imagine I'd be their *perfect* poster child as why an adopted child is much more inferior than a biological child.

Hah. As my son would say, 'Come at me, bro. Let's do this.'

Ya'll can pop popcorn and enjoy the show.


Moving from NOM's "expert" opinion on family life, there's this news that's making its way around now.

Republican Bob Porter has recently announced that his position on same sex marriage has changed. Yes, shocking, I know, yet another politician who's milking the political cow for all it's worth.

Moo, Motherfucker.

Why has this change of heart occurred? Why, because he has a gay son and all of a sudden, he joins the group of Republicans who have issued statements of support for queer people in, well, queer ways.

You know, like Laura Bush who said in an interview that she's all right with queer folk. Yet I don't see her being a strong ally.

And then, of course, we have Dick Cheney whose personal motto might be, 'it's all right as long as it's in the family but forget that nonsense about equal rights and all that.' (cue harumphing noises)

Yeah, OK.

Don't get me wrong. I think it's great that Bob's son is being supported by his dad. That's super important.

But it's funny how his dad has been against same sex marriage and equal rights for queers all these years and you know what, Bob?

Nice of you to have that stance while your kid is right there, a real life reminder of who you're blocking rights from...I mean, how do you think that made him feel?

I don't know. I don't know when the young man came out to his family....and I'm not about to put words into his mouth...

But I can tell you how *I* felt when I heard my own parents expressing disgust for queer people and let's not even get into the day my father said something along the lines of 'AIDS is a gay person's disease.'

Picture a small nuclear explosion above our house that day and you'll get an idea.

And people wonder why it took me so long to come out of my own personal closet?

Look, it's great that he's all supportive and an ally now and all that blah blah bullshit stuff, ok? Super. Lovely.

But let's not forget the fact that this man has denied equal rights for YEARS to the queer community.

I'm not pinning any fucking medals on him.


And finally, the thing that broke me...that made my heart swell just like the Grinch (only much larger) and had me crying happy tears.

I gotta share this photo. Click on the link and it'll open up.

Take a gander at this picture. Read the note. And see how this dad puts fake ass Bob Porter to shame.


Honestly, do you see why I bawled? oh my god. I don't know who this dad is, but I want to hug and kiss him...and the kid's mom, too.

I wish every queer kid had parents like this kid. Hell, I wish I did. (wry smile)

But there you go. Two sads and a Fuck yeah, awesome!

If your heart hurts today cos of all that meanness out there, just click on the picture again, ok?

And feel free to share the love...this picture should go viral.

Take care, dear hearts. Stay strong. We have allies and friends and those who'll fight the good fight with us.

Don't ever forget!

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