Thursday, September 23, 2010

In which the Heroine is surprised by the hours in a day

I'm trying to figure out my schedule in the near future and as far as I can tell, I think I need the following.

1. One time-turner

2. One DeLorean

3. One bottle of strong whiskey

Right now, things are going fine, things are steady...I am doing pretty well as far as getting things together is concerned.

And then, mid October, my next class starts. This bumps up my college time to insane and my work time to somewheres in there and homework time and such...well, it kind of grows, too. FEED ME, SEYMOUR!!!

On top of that, I have the schedules and doings of my two great sons and that includes orchestra, cub scouts, boy scouts, their homework, get togethers with friends and family time. Oh, and two weekends a month with their father.

Did I say just one bottle of whiskey?

Luckily, I do have a Secret Weapon at my disposal. This would be, of course, my Awesome Guy. This week, he took my oldest son to school when I had to be at work at an ungodly hour in the morning.

I am sure that I am going to need his help with all the scheduling and things. There are some upcoming events in which I look at and wish that I did, indeed, have a Time-turner. Ah, well.

With the advent of all these things happening, I note that once again, the march of Seasons is upon me. Summer seemed to dance right past me, barely giving me the time of day. Fall has settled in and I am wearing sweaters and thinking about hot cocoa. Before I know it, Halloween will have passed by and then I burrow myself in for another long Winter. And then, it's Spring again and then Summer.

Wait a minute. That's going on at an awfully fast clip, isn't it?

The boys are not babies anymore, nor are they really little guys, either. One is in middle school and the other is in his last year of elementary school and before I know it, I will have two strapping teenage sons in the house. It boggles the mind and makes the heart ache.

I am, as always, grateful for the chance to see these changes take place before my very eyes. I watch my boys grow and am amazed at the wonderfulness I see each and every day. There are moments of not so much wonderfulness, of course...and the teen age flares have started.

Overall, though, it's been quite the journey and one that I'm very happy to be a part of.

Still. Going to school full time, raising two great guys, being in a relationship with my Awesome Guy, spending time with friends and Chosen Family and maybe, just maybe, finding time for me....

Yes. A case of whiskey, please.


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