Monday, October 18, 2010

It's been a heck of a month thus far!


I have wanted to write in this blog on a semi regular basis and this hasn't exactly gone according to plan.

If this is semi regular, I'd have fiber companies begging me for commercial time. Heh.

But there has been a reason for the silence and I apologize profusely for the quiet.

This past Saturday, my Awesome Guy and I were handfasted. Handfasting is a very old tradition in which two people pledge themselves for a certain period of time. In some circles, it's a symbolic year and a day in which case, at that time, they can choose to go for another length of time, they can choose to part ways, or they can choose to make it permanent. This handfasting is a nod to certain beliefs of mine and my Awesome Guy was quite all right in planning and participating in this ritual.

We had invited his family, our closest friends, and my Chosen Family who were absolutely tickled pink to attend such an event. Some of my Chosen Family had never been to a handfasting before--some were old hat at this--but all were happy to be part of the celebration.

We were lucky enough to have a gorgeous fall day. In this part of the country, Minnesota is fickle in the fall and it could have been an absolutely *miserable* day. But we were lucky and the sun was shining, there was a bit of a breeze but it only made the banners fly more briskly, and everyone was comfortable until night fell and the temperatures dropped.

My two sons were involved in every aspect of the ceremony. They chose certain parts and they were in the ceremony and they were absolutely wonderful. I was so happy to see them want to be part of everything and they had such a fun time afterwards.

I wore a beautiful gown that one of my very closest friends sewed for me. I felt so pretty in my gown and wore it most of the day.

My Awesome Guy wore a great outfit as well, pinstripe pants, tuxedo shirt with tie, and a jacket.

My Awesome Guy also bought me a bouquet to carry with me and it was so pretty!

After the ceremony, everyone had brought potluck for the reception and there were TONS of food and drink and we all ate as much as we wanted. We had guests stay until the early hours of the morning and that was perfectly fine with me. This was a celebration with people who care and support and Love us and to have them hang out and laugh and talk and eat with us really made the day complete.

There were a few guests who couldn't make it, of course. Distance and other commitments and ungodly emergencies had them unable to be part of the day, but I know that they were with us in spirit and that's what counted.

Next year, we will have the Commitment Ceremony and that's the "legally binding" one because we'll have that fancy piece of paper that says we're married and I get to do all the fun name changes and whatnot (rolls eyes). Big whoop.

But. This year, this past Saturday, I made my vows in front of the people I Love and to the man I Love and that is, to me, what matters most of all.


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