Friday, September 10, 2010

In which Yoga shows me a thing or two....

So this semester, I am taking Yoga class.

This will be easy, thinks I. This won't be hard at all, thinks I.

Hah hah. Hah.

It is an amazingly fun class but hard. I became aware of my body in ways I never had before and it was a bit humbling to not be able to hold the "tree" pose for longer than 15 seconds at a time.

My teacher told the class that we could tuck our leg up against our thighs if we so wished. Right. I was just happy to not fall over. But I did manage to at least keep my leg tucked up near my knee.

With Yoga class, I have also discovered the joys of yoga pants. I like them. They're soft. Plus, they stretch. And they feel good. It's nice to change into them when I've worn other fabric all day that isn't as soft or comfortable.

I'm to log online this weekend and go through a couple of videos and then post my observations for discussion.

The good thing about this is that I'm going to be doing these poses at home instead of with my fellow students so I can embarrass my lack of flexibility just to my own damn self.

The bad thing is I have to actually TALK about it. "Well, when I didn't have to call 911 to help untangle me from my pose, it actually felt good...."

I can see why people do Yoga, though. It is eminently satisfying to feel my body stretch out and to breathe in and out deep truly demonstrates that I simply can't be stressed out. Deep breathing through my nose and down through my belly and then out back through my nose makes me concentrate on breathing. Not on the thoughts that have been running through my mind so crazy like.

No, it's just me and my breathing and I do feel like a child again, very much aware of my body and how it's working with me.

The Yoga itself is neat. I breathe and do the poses and my mind empties. I'm not thinking....I'm doing Yoga and breathing and at the end of the session, I feel pretty good.

I'm hoping to be more flexible when I'm done with Yoga and I'm thinking of taking Yoga at the Y on a more regular basis. I think it would be good for me to continue doing this.

I think it'll keep my life in sync and in balance and that's pretty cool. It's those benefits and the health benefits that outweigh the initial cost to practice Yoga.

And I get to keep wearing those stretchy, comfy Yoga pants.

It's a win win situation as far as I can see.


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