Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year's!

Ye gods.

It is now 2011. The year before the HUGE Apocalypse. Either that or the Mayans were really referring to some rave party that will involve everyone on the planet getting snorkled on organic mushrooms and waving glo sticks around.



Maybe. I am not worrying about it, though. Ignore the 50 cases of bottled water in the corner.

It's occurred to me that I haven't been writing like I've wanted to. There has been so much goodness to talk about and to share and I have been remiss. I apologize.

I started college full time this past fall and let me tell you, THAT was a revelation and a half. I have been out of school for 20 years....longer than I had been *in* school and I discovered a few things about myself this time around.

1. I am a piss poor student when I'm bored. I don't turn my papers in on time or do the assignments on time or just...generally, say, what the hell?? And let it go.

2. When I really like a class, I go for broke. There has to be balance and the balance is that I prepare like mad and do my presentations like my life depended upon it.

3. I will never ever EVER take a phy ed course that involves online work ever AGAIN. NOT EVER. It was pretty awful. I took yoga this past fall and for some reason, it also included online work. yeah, take reason number 1, add my disdain and utter lack of time management at the worst moments and stir. "BOOM!" as Ivanova said.

Despite failing Yoga (yes, yes, I did and it's a one credit class and I've learned invaluable things so hush), I managed to earn a 3.0 GPA. yeah, that's me, Ms. Powerhouse, reason Number 2.

I worked really hard in my other classes and so that helped buoy my overall grades.

Now. Spring semester is starting up in another week or two. I am taking the following:

College Writing II

Math for Idiots (that's what *I* am calling it...more on this in a moment)


Intro to Sociology

OK, mon chats. So college writing II is going to be fun, I hope. Math for Idiots is the math for people who can't take even the first year's course of college level math. I freely admit that I'm one of those people to whom math and hard science just doesn't work. I have a certain quirk in which I can remember what's going on IN CLASS. I can write it all down and make notes and then, when I come home to do the homework, I open the notes and look at gibberish. *sigh* I'm not stupid, I know this. I just can't retain it.

Don't tell me it's because I'm not trying hard enough or I swear to god, I'll fucking BRAIN you. After 6 YEARS of math in middle school and high school, I know what's ticking and what isn't, thanksmuch. Math isn't my forte. That's OK.

Thankfully, I will have a tutor who will come over and help me and also I can call her and she will explain stuff over the phone and the light will hopefully go on again. Seeing as this is pre-algebra, it shouldn't be too hard.

That plus my eldest son is doing that math right now. He's doing fine in it and so....yes, if push comes to shove, I can ask my 13 year old to help his mother with her math assignments. Ah, the ignominy.

As for Health class, it's a requirement that I plan on getting through with as much grace as possible. I hope it's going to be interesting. We'll see.

And Intro do Sociology sounds good. I need it for what I'm going to school for so you can bet I'll be paying strict attention.

We'll see.

The other wild card factor is my depression. It gets worse in the winter and this winter, during the first part, it was pretty darn awful. Adding to it was the death of someone I love and cared for and that was more than enough to send me straight to my bed, not moving and certainly not going to class. (this explains the Yoga grade).

I tried to reorganize my classes better this time around, making sure I'm going to school in "blocks", ie, Tuesday and Thursday classes. That way, I can get it all done in one day instead of spread out. That ought to make it easier.

Also, if I'm falling behind because I'm fighting my Illness, I'm going to have a private meeting with my professor and explain what's going on. No excuses, of course...but being able to say, look....I'm falling apart here and I don't want to do poorly in this class but I am unable to cope well....I should have done that LAST semester but pride is a funny thing.

It cost me a decent grade in one class and I'd rather not repeat that.

It's all a learning process...and going to college is much more about learning and writing papers. It's about growing up and coping with every day life.

For me, going to college, going back to college, is a vindication. I've always known that I could do just...took encouragement and support...and here I am, doing it. Going to school. Getting some pretty good grades. Learning stuff.

I will be occupied, of course, with Life. I am, after all, a mother and that's my first priority. I have two wonderful sons who are in their pre-teen and teen years and I want to be there for them, to help them navigate through those choppy waters.

I am going to be a wife, although quite frankly, I all ready feel married to my Awesome Guy but that still means I take time for him and for us.

And I have to take time for ME. I have to keep an eye on my Illness and make sure that when it flares, I can do what needs to be done to keep me on task, balanced, and able to get through the worst of it with minimal damage to my emotional state.

I think 2011 is going to be a really great year. It's a year of changes and a year of discovery. It will be a year of achievement and hard work and determination.

I know not everything is going to be easy this year. There were some very hard things that have happened recently that have broke my heart and I am getting through it with the Love and support of those around me. I am most fortunate in my Chosen family and friends.

2011 is going to fly by...I know this.

And darn it...I need to write regularly, school schedule and Life be damned. I need to record it all as it passes like quicksilver through my fingers and gleams so very briefly in the dark.



  1. Okay, a few thoughts on the math thing -

    1) Doebert blew as a teacher. He was a major reason I thought I couldn't do algebra, and I'm betting you had him too...

    2) Alegebra (well, math in general) comes down to puzzles - the rules are strictly enforced, and there -is- an answer. So, don't think of it as "Math Class" - think of it as "Puzzle Solving Class" - that change in my thinking helped a lot. :)

    3) Math homework is your friend. Sure, 100 problems suck to do - but repitition drives home what the rules are and how to solve the puzzles...

    Love ya!


  2. Remember that I can be a resource also for math. I have a piece of paper that says I'm qualified to teach your math classes and I have a pretty good track record at helping students who either aren't good at math or simply don't like it and don't want to do it. Call or e-mail if you need anything. I'm stupid busy but I can always find time to help a friend.
