Monday, August 2, 2010


So there I was, perusing the wedding photos of my seamstress when it occurred to me that the wedding would be awesome if it was done in Steampunk style.

Yeah, I know...Steampunk has been trending for a while and might be going over the cusp but I think it would be fun to do and my Awesome Guy is all for it.

So I've been looking over Steampunk wedding dresses and other types of clothes and thinking my thinks.

That plus a Steampunk wedding cake would be pretty cool.

With all of that, I've decided that I want the theme of the wedding to be Kickass Awesome! and to that end, I have a lot of friends who want to be part of the awesomeness.

I'm pretty happy about that.

It's pretty convenient that next year at CONvergence, the theme is Steampunk so I can look at the vendors and get even MORE ideas...although I have the feeling that we will probably have most everything pulled together by then. But we shall see.

In other news, I tore through the library books that I had gotten and now need to get back to the library to find some more finds. I think I'm going to meander over to the sewing aisle and see if they have any Steampunk patterns and ideas there...


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