Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The day after, my thoughts become clear...

So yesterday, North Carolina (well, 60%) voted to approve Amendment One which basically screws over ANYONE who is not married. Oh, and not heterosexual. This amuses me cos the fine print apparently wasn't read and people didn't realize that this meant domestic partnerships and civil unions and ANYTHING that isn't stamped 'MARRIED' is null and void.

I raged, I admit. I raged, I cried my eyes out (ten minutes which meant I had these horrid mad dog red eye Hound of Baskerville eyes). Then, I calmed down. Keep me angry, mon chats. Me being angry is a lot like The Hulk on a rampage. Lokis better run. But me calm? Now we're talking his alter ego and Dr. Bruce Banner is one scary smart man.

Thank you to the 40% who voted against the Amendment. I forgot (as did a lot of people) that not everyone was for this travesty. There were a LOT of people working their hearts out to try and defeat this. I have some dear friends who live in that state and let me tell you, they are NOT happy. And so, to you who support my queer ass, thank you. I <3 the hell out of you, every single one of you.

Thank you to the 60% who voted for the Amendment. See, what we all forgot was that North Carolina is NOT the first state to pass something like this. We have 30 (count them THIRTY) states who have added amendments banning same sex marriage. This just isn't a North Carolina problem. This is a problem in our United States of America. North Carolina helped provide the focus but let's not forget we have 29 other states who are on the same page.

And ya'll can talk about democracy. And ya'll can tell me that the times will change. And my response is going to be a very soft reply (cos otherwise, I'd scream it): And it's too bad that our GLBTQ youth who commit suicide and are being bullied and being beaten are paying the price until then.

I live here in Minnesota and this November, our state is gearing up for its own Amendment vote. I never thought I'd see the day. This state which was the pride of liberal openness and acceptance, which had the great Hubert H. Humphrey and the fiery Paul Wellstone as our senators...this state which for quite some time was the keyword when it came to tolerance has become a state I don't recognize anymore.

And so this November, I'm going to go to the polls, and I'm going to vote NO and I'm going to tell everyone I know that they need to strike this Amendment down. I'm telling my friends that they need to volunteer with United For All Families cos they're working SO hard to talk to everyone they can reach and tell them, 'this is who I am. I'm not the boogie man. I'm not someone to be afraid of. I'm just like you.'

I'm just like you. I go to school and fret about tests and homework assignments. I work part time and worry about money. I enjoy reading science fiction and fantasy. I love to get together with friends and hang out and talk. I have two amazing sons who I Love Love Love...I live with mental illness and have good days and bad days. I have an amazing husband who Loves me for me and my sexuality has never been an issue with him. 

My sexuality is a part of me, just like it's a part of you. It doesn't make EVERYTHING about me, just like it doesn't make EVERYTHING about you so why does it have to be front and centre? For goodness sake, it's really none of your business just like your sexuality is really none of my business and aren't there more interesting things to know about a person?

I'm hoping that our country is reaching a turning point. Just like it did in the Civil Rights era. People want to move forward, not stay in the past where GLBTQ folk are discriminated against, are not seen as equal citizens like heterosexual people, are concerned for their lives and the lives of their friends and those they love.

I'm hoping that there will come a day where GLBTQ youth will be loved and accepted for who they are.

I'm hoping that people remember that Jesus taught us to Love one another as we wished to be Loved. To cast no stones. To treat others the way we wish to be treated.

Love is not hate. Love is not what I've seen these past few years.

I believe we can turn this around. 

Faith Hope and Love and the greatest of all is Love.


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