Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hope. Support. Love.

To the GLBTQA youth of North Carolina:

Yeah, it blows. I was bawling so hard last night when I heard the news and I'm a few states away. I can only imagine your hurt and fear and grief right now.

I know you have good allies there. I hope you've seen the news where people are disgusted by this Amendment and vow to overturn it. I hope you've been able to hear one person say, 'this is so wrong.'

Cos it IS wrong. They talk about moral values and they preach about the bible and somehow, I don't think they get how ironic this is. I mean, people sure like to quote certain passages in the bible about how being queer is a sin and you'll burn in hell but they sure don't like it when someone points out to them that they shouldn't play football. Or wear cotton-polyester. Or have a tattoo. That's called hypocrisy and it's a fancy word for people who don't like having their own words proven false.

Here's something I want you to know. You have more people who care and support and Love you than you even know. Seriously. There's a whole country, wait, a whole WORLD full of people who understand and accept you just as you are. We think you're pretty amazing brilliant fantastic the cat's meow you name it, that's who you are.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You don't need to be fixed. You don't need 'straight therapy'. You certainly don't need someone making your daily life a living hell. hah. They say, 'you'll burn in hell??' I bet you want to say, 'can't be any worse than what I go through every day of my life right now.'

And I'm really sorry. I'm sorry that you are being hurt like that. 

And to me, you are the bravest people I know. Being a teen can suck on a good day. Being an out GLBTQA teen can make those days a picnic at times. But there you are, being you. If I could, I'd hug every single one of you. 

I know you've read about the Civil Rights movement and that time where people united together to end segregation. It was a hard, scary time. People were murdered and hurt and called names....dogs and fire hoses were used...and the brutality was just awful. But they did it. They didn't stop and they kept on until finally, equality was law.

And it'll happen here, too. It's a hard, scary time. People have been murdered and have been hurt and been called names. There has been brutality and it's been awful. But we're not backing down. We're united and we're going to keep going until it truly is equality for all.

I know it hurts. And I know it's tempting to give up hope and to think no one cares and no one understands and you're all alone. And unloved.

But hey....hey, that's not true. 

Don't give up hope. Don't believe those who tell you you're unloveable or unwanted. They're liars and they should be ashamed of themselves.

It might take a little longer...but the tide is turning. Change is happening. Trust me.

Hold my hand. Tight. I won't let go. I promise. Let's keep fighting, ok? Hate never wins. Love has always always overcome.

I Love you, don't forget that, no matter where you are, big city, little town, countryside or seaside...

Never forget that, ok? And remember this, too...

Love is Love.



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