Sunday, August 22, 2010

Movies movies movies!

I want a money tree in my back yard.

There are so many awesome movies out right now and thus far, I've seen exactly NONE. Yes, that's right. None. Zero. Zip. Nadda. Because I has no money, honey. At least, not right now.

I really want to see Toy Story 3. I was holding my breath when I heard it was coming out because Toy Story 1 and 2 were so epic and I was thinking, oh, please, don't screw this one up. Of course, being Pixar, they didn't. From all I've heard, it's wonderful and heartbreaking and classic Pixar. I can hardly wait to see it.

Next on my docket is Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. The reviews on this movie have amused me greatly. The critics who clearly don't "get it" are all condescending and whatnot and like, "well, if you're a gamer, you'll get it." Well, duh! Stupid Head. This game is a lovesong to those of us who have spent any time with a video game, whether it's the old 8 bit or the newest Modern Warfare version and we all "get it." I think the movie is going to be a riot. I saw the trailer and laughed myself through it. That plus, well, it's a movie for a geek girl like me. How can I resist? Plus, the cutie who plays Scott Pilgrim is one of my favourite young actors, anyway. He just has the winsome "take me home, I'm just a lost little puppy" look to him. I'm sure there are many geek girls who would be happy to do just that.

I really want to see Winter's Bone before it leaves the theatre. I've heard that this movie is just totally intense and the young actress who plays the 17 year old lead character is sublime. In this movie, the 17 year old heroine has to find her father who skipped bail, otherwise they lose the home that houses her, her two little siblings and a mother who is there just in name. This young lady has to go through the woods to track him down and she may not find him as he's taken refuge amongst the meth makers in the backwoods. I think it's going to be a hell of a movie. I better bring kleenax.

I know Inception is supposed to be all that and a bag of chips but I'm OK to wait for that. I think it'll hold up just as well on the screen at home as it would in the theatre and maybe even better. After all, it's a lot of mind games and mind games play well anywhere. Heh. But yeah, I'd like to see that eventually.

The new Patricia Clarkson movie is out, Cairo Time, and I'd rather see her than most any other actress any day of the week. She is underrated as one of our finest leading ladies and that's a real shame. I saw the trailer for it and thought, wow...this looks a lot better than that "Eat, Pray, Love" movie which I have no intention of seeing. The book thing was bad enough. Yes, yes, yes....anyone who has the money to go to places they've never been before and see cultures that are unfamiliar are going to have epiphanies of all sorts. But in the real world where I live, you know, where one has to pay bills and never mind taking a sabbatical to India or China or smacks a little of Upper Class Superiority. Gah. No thanks.

But Cairo Time looks like one of those intricate, intimate movies where it's important to see what's not being said as well as what's being said. I know, it's a White Woman who is in a different land and culture and she explores and blah blah blah...but she's not there to gain Serenity or Awakening or whatnot. No, she's there because she's going to finally spend time with her workaholic husband. Or so she thinks.

At any rate, Patricia Clarkson is the lead actress and I have always found that watching her in any movie makes me happy. That plus she's a really nice lady in real life. That's always awesome.

I think I'll wait for Prince of Persia to come out on Netflix. Yes, I'm sure it would be better on the big screen but it's not one of my big Must See Movies. Of course, if the drive in has it as one of three movies playing, I'd be up for that.

The big movie that I'm waiting for is the last Harry Potter movie. Of course, they had to split it in two parts for which I'm ever grateful for. There's just too much to squeeze into one movie. But the first part is coming out here in August and I am SO excited!!! I saw the trailer and it looks wicked! Yae!!!

Did anyone see Emma Watson's new haircut? She looks absolutely gorgeous. She cut it pixie short and close to the head and it's back to her natural hair colour and she looks divine. I wonder what she's going to do now, now that filming has wrapped and that part of her life is done and that has got to be the oddest feeling....ten years of her life (half of her life, I believe) has been spent in the Harry Potter Universe. Wow. That's amazing.

The other big movie that I plan on seeing is Get Low with Robert Duvall, Sissy Spacek, and Bill Murray. From everything I've read, it's a great movie with the best actors and actress and a fine plotline. Robert Duvall plays a hermit like rich as Midas old man who lives, by choice, alone. He wants Bill Murray, who is the town's mortician, to set up a fake funeral for him. He wants to hear what the townsfolk would have to say to him if they thought he was dead. Sissy Spacek is his heart's love from way back when. Bill Murray's character agrees and the wheels are set in motion. It's a movie about human behavior and emotions and those are my favourite kinds of movies. I like a good action movie every now and then but mostly, movies that show how people tick and why they tick...those are the ones I really like.

Even Silence of the Lambs. I HATE horror movies but this was more a psychological thriller with some gore judiciously placed. Plus, it had Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins. Please.

So, yes, money tree. Please shake a few dollars for me. I have some movies lined up to see.


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