Friday, June 25, 2010


I Loved that episode of Glee where Rachel was talking about "hairography" made me giggle and it made perfect sense to me.

That plus those girls were really *working* that hair...swinging it around, letting it bounce, and the blow outs!!! heh. Yes, hair is sexy.

Which brings me to my latest conundrum. I have rather short hair now. In a pique of, "I'm Ms. Independent, thanksmuchbai", I cut my shoulder length hair off. Completely redid my whole 'do, so to speak. It was liberating and a little scary. I hadn't had short hair like this for quite some time.

And I've been maintaining it. It's a nice modified bob that's a tad bit asymmetrical and it's cute. That plus I haven't dyed it (no money honey) and so my silver is streaking through it and it is kinda cool. In a total geek girl way, of course.

But now...I want braids. I want to be able to take my hair and loop it up into two pigtails. I also want to have it down to my mid waist because it's kinda cool that way....

But this means that I have to grow my short hair out. Oh, man.

And it's cut in cute little layers all over.

Yes, oh man indeed.

This is going to take the better part of two years. Yes. TWO years. My hair grows rabbit fast but it's short and for all those layers to grow out and for it to be at least shoulder length so I can start braiding it and piggytailing it and all of that...


This is where I wish there was a potion I could take and I could like, have long hair in two weeks. That would be nice.

But it's not going to happen so I'll deal.

I read a book about why men like women with long hair (and why women like certain types of men during their peak ovulation time of the month). This book was awesome. It scientifically broke down certain physical attributes and I was amazed.

But this part talked about how for men, a woman who had long hair meant that she was probably healthy and it showed that she could grow long, healthy hair over, say, a two year's time period (which is about what it takes to get shoulder length hair). And a healthy woman with healthy hair is likely to have healthy babies. Yes, it's all about the men and carrying on their genetic *stuff*. Hee.

Amazing, no? So even though men might not MIND short hair...something in their genomes says, buuuuuuuuuut....I really like women with long hair...even though I don't know why.

Myself? I would like longer hair just because it is fun to mess with and also, frankly, I'm getting kind of tired of this short hair business.

Time to grit my teeth and let the growing begin!


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