Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So, how's that working out for you?


College is intense. Not that I didn't know it wouldn't be but I am up to my ears in homework and making sure my assignments are due on time and all of that and boy.

Hi, how are you? I haven't talked to you in AGES.

I am, however, going to write in this blog at least once a week because the writing is my way to let the stress out and if I don't write, I'm a gonna blow like a tea kettle.

How are things going? Well, let me update you.

College Writing II is about writing a Research Paper. Gah. The good thing is that I get to choose the topic. The other good thing is is my teacher is pretty cool. That plus I have somehow been adopted by some highschool girls who are taking this class. They are on the danceline and they come from practice to the school so they have their hair all done up and are kind of adorable. God, I feel old.

At any rate, I have about nine articles to read and highlight and write on index cards (I was way proactive and bought 300 of the Motherfeckers) This is Writing!!!

I also am doing interviews. I have one set up for tomorrow afternoon and am scheduling another for this weekend. Booya!

Math for Dummies is going reasonably well. I get the concepts and thus far, I'm pulling an "A" in the class. I got an "A" on the first big test so now I've changed the name of the class to Math for Hopeful Geniuses. Yes, I hope big time that I can keep my "A". We shall see. Thanks to an awesome tutor and a teacher who really breaks it down, I'm doing pretty good. We're working on fractions right now.

Intro to Sociology is a hoot. I have a professor who is blunt. How blunt? He had us write down the keys to doing well in this class. It was: RTFQ and RTFB. Which stands for Read the Fucking Question and Read the Fucking Book. Awesomesauce. It also helps to Read the Fucking Syllabus correctly as last time, I misread it and was expecting a lecture but no, it was the first exam. Feck and feck. I hope I got a "B" but I might have pulled a "C". I'm not going to let myself get messed up like that again.

My Health class is interesting. It's a Health and Drugs class that's almost entirely online and since I regard this class as a "class" I am being very very good about doing my work ON TIME. I took the first big test there and scored 39 out of 40 so that made me pretty darn happy! That plus I'm turning in all my work and getting "A's" so we shall see.

What this means, however, is I have no social life. I study each night. I do the boys' activities with them. I take my Big Guy to cello lessons on Tuesday nights. He also has Boy scouts twice a month. I have a Committee meeting to go to (which I haven't been able to but will start up soon) once a month for Boy scouts.

My youngest is finishing up Cub scouts. I am pushing myself to make it through until mid March when he graduates from Cub scouts and goes on to Boy scouts. Whew. Until then, I am his Den Leader, the Awards Chair, and also am supposed to go to Cub scout Committee meetings (I have pretty much failed at that since I began spring semester).

I do keep in touch and I do my duties as a Den Leader and Awards Chair so I don't think people can say too much about it. It'll just be much easier when I'm only involved in the one Scouting activity.

Then, we have other stuff going on and they need their Momma time and my Awesome Guy needs his Us Time and I kind of need some Alone time. Somehow, I make it all work.

It just gets....tiring. Is it worth it? Oh, hella yeah.

But yeah. And now, it's time for bed. I've run around a good portion of the day getting Things Done and now I need to get some sleep. I have two classes tomorrow and that interview so I best be sharp for all of it.
