Sunday, July 10, 2011

For me, it's when I fight in the Darkness...

Last night, things were...difficult.

As most of you know, I have dealt with bipolar most of my life.

As some of you know, I have fought against suicide ever since I was 12. That's over half my life now, and for those of you who have served in the armed forces, you know what it's like to fight against an enemy that never sleeps.

I am...tired. At any time, the Darkness can flare and envelop me. Sometimes, I have a little warning. Sometimes, I do not.

Last night, I did not, and so I was surprised and could barely launch a counteract before things got dicey.

I don't know what it's like for other people who fight suicidal thoughts. I don't want to say, 'this is what it feels like' cos it might not feel that way to them...I certainly don't want to put words into any one else's mouth, so I can only speak for me. Perhaps I share traits with others. Perhaps it's just me. I can say this with certainty though: it's an isolating thing, fighting the Darkness. And the best weapon of all is someone or a bunch of someones helping to tip the scales.

For me, I have an inner strength, a subconscious and not so subconscious part of me I have named Bear. Bear is stronger than I, smarter than I, wiser than I. Bear gives me Bear dreams that are portents and signs that I pay attention to, and Bear has fought this Darkness all by Himself at times.

I have my husband who held me tight, kept me anchored *physically*, and who walked with me through the worst of it. He was terrified of losing me last night, and even though a good part of me didn't particularly wish to be here, there was enough of me who wanted to stay.

I have friends who Love me for me...people who I've called Chosen Family who Love me and care for me and who I Love back fiercely. I don't really understand why they choose to call me their Sister or some other Family name, some Love name that they make up...but they do...and I am happy about it.

I have friends who care for me, and who I spend time with when I can. They're lovely and fantastic, and I think would be horrified by how much I keep from them, when it comes to this. I have this urge to protect the people I care's only when I trust someone, can I let them inside.

And I have my sons, my two Loves of my life, my two best guys who are so breathtakingly wonderful and funny and smart and wise and *real*. I think of them when the Darkness comes a calling, and I tell myself that they would not want me to go. I know they wouldn't understand why I left them, when I tell them that I Love them so much...and it's the one thing the Darkness can't get around.

So last night, I felt as though I was being pulled away. I felt as though the knives and the razors were singing my name, and it would be a simple matter to take them up on what they were telling me: to use them and to slip away, and not come back. I tried to keep one foot here whilst the other one was trying to go on. I cried out of exhaustion and pain and grief. I didn't know how I was going to get through this without help.

But I have my husband, and I have Bear, and between the two, I was able to pull back and to breathe quiet the voices in my head, and to Remember that I must stay Here.

I don't talk too much of other Things in, what's going on in my life...that is usually reserved in another Journal where I can pour out my hurts and sorrows, and know that those words will stay there.

But I will say this: the time will come when I will watch the movie, 'Precious.' My Sistah has told me that I do not need to see it, that it will tear me apart, reminding me too much of things in the past. I told her that Bear told me that when we are ready to let go, to cut the ties and walk away and not come back, then I will watch the movie, and will cry and will grieve.

I have grieved so much over the past months for what will never be. I am not ever going to be the daughter or the cousin or the relative that people want me to be. I have resigned myself to being the shame, the embarrassment, the laughing stock, and the one people in my family point to when they want to say: Look at her. She just doesn't belong.

They're right. I don't. My sister has cut ties with me. My parents are no longer speaking to me, and won't tell me what is going on. I have cried almost every day for the past 7 months. Last night, I about fell apart inside and out as I cried and cried. I fight the feeling that it would only bring relief to my parents and sister. They could forget all about me and how much I embarrass them and shame them. At least, that's what the Darkness tells me, when I'm fighting the urge to kill myself.

So. So it is and so it goes. I'm not ever going to give up. I have to fight cos I don't want my boys to grow up without their mom and I don't want to leave them or my husband or my Chosen Family or friends. I know that I am Loved and Wanted.

At least, I do when I'm not in the depths of the Darkness or my Illness.

I am exhausted today. I am tired of fighting but I know I have to continue to do so. I have school work to study and I have work tomorrow and I have a birthday party to go to...just proves that life does roll on and life has the sweet as well as the bitter.

I will probably take a nap at some point and time. Lack of sleep doesn't help at all. And I will take careful care of myself and make sure I eat. I'm still not out of the danger zone, just yet, and I know that I need to do things to help push me back into a stronger way of thinking.

In the meantime, I think about what needs to be done, and I think about being strong, and I try to remind myself that this will pass and life will feel good again.

Until then, I tread carefully. I do not want to trigger another episode. I'm not sure I have the strength needed to deal with it...although Bear assures me I do.
